Thursday, July 03, 2008

Vals class

Today I had Vals in tango technique class. I practiced giro with Lee. At the beginning, I stared at his chest and moved with his chest when the music flowed. The music was so beautiful and fluent that I turned faster and faster and couldn't stop myself. Lee was rushed by me and started to turn after me. We stopped for a short discussion about this and I decided to close my eyes to fully concentrate on the movement of the direction of Lee's body (Lee's leading). The sense of Lee's leading faded in and got clearer and clearer. Finally, I can follow the music and Lee's leading together and I can feel the leading is harmonized with the music.

That was a great feeling that I passed my body to the leading. I stopped thinking of myself and did my best to percieve the intention of Lee's body and followed that intention and let Lee accompany my movement. I took my time for each movement and stopped intentionally keeping up with the music. I let Lee decide where he wanted to go and let the music flow as background and moved forward to where I sensed from Lee and seamlessly flowed into the next perception. I was full of happiness in the music.

Suddenly, I realized that in reality I should have done the same, stop being self-centered and to understand others' intentions. I can always have my own decision in follow the intention or not. But, before the final decision, I should have at least correctly perceived the intention and, indeed, I can just take my pace to respond.


  1. 呵呵,不知道為什麼,看完這篇文章突然有著很深的感動,

  2. 我上完這堂課也有很深的感動

  3. accidently run into this site...
    feel very touched ....
    Lee......the one leading your movement..


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