Saturday, June 30, 2007


當初找了好幾家比較參考 實際上也只去試聽了一家
這次是當初的漏網之魚要開新班 問我還有沒有興趣

想學西班牙文 是想有朝一日去阿根廷朝聖
已經有不少學長姐跟我說過有心學舞 要先學西班牙文

咦!半年一年! 不就跟我偷偷計畫的時間不謀而合嗎

今天的老師很不賴 講解的很清楚
看網路上的資歷 說是在西班牙學教育的
今天學了打招呼 自我介紹 求助 字母和基本發音
今天這幾句簡單的會話我雖然要花些力氣 但也還馬馬虎虎有記起來
尤其舌頭要咕嚕咕嚕 我只會ㄉㄌㄧ次
怎麼辦哩? 今天只是試聽 我還有一個禮拜可以猶豫
¡Hola! Buenos Dias. ¿Que Tal?
Muy bien. Gracias. ¿Y tu? ¿Como Estas?
Estupandos. ¿Como te llamas?
Me llamo Connie. Mucho gusto.
¿Como se escribe?
¿Y de apellido?
No estiando. ¿Puedes repetir, por favor?
¿Esta bien asi?
後 西班牙文很難打耶
句子也記不起來 還要偷看課本
看來要學西班牙文 電腦也要跟著設定一下
我要好好來研究研究 呼呼 好累

Saturday, June 23, 2007


據說酗酒的人戒酒後 一輩子看到威士忌還是會蠢蠢欲動
必須靠理智克制自己一滴都不能碰 以免重蹈覆轍

我覺得 我也是這樣
必須不斷提醒自己不可以開電視 以免欲罷不能重播再重播....

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

My theory

I got a theory, finding a job is like finding a husband. You have to know yourself first than you know if the job is the right one for you. You want to be complete in the job, you want to rely on the job, you want to own the job. You don't want anyone to take over your job.

However, marriage is never a personal thing. After reading the wedding vow and exchange rings, you also made commitments to his family. Yes, this is my point, besides the job which you are in love with, the related people are just like the in-laws. There is never a perfect job, but you can always find something good enough as a job as long as you know yourself well enough. And you decide to take the offer and commit to the job. But right after the first few days of the work, you realize that the in-laws can be a nightmare. No matter how much you love the husband, you just can not deal with his mother or his father or both and you never become a family. The choice left for you is clear: having the husband divorce from the in-laws or simply from yourself!

This is the terrible scenario I am struggling in. The project I am working on is the charming guy and I would like to be with him for better for worse. However, his mother, the patronizing guy, is the last person in the world that I would like to be in contact with. Should I simply break up with him and find a new guy? Should I bear with his mother and see how far we can go? Although, different from the real marriage, there is never a custody problem, I still need to carefully consider if I really want to divorce my job and how to remarry one without in-laws.
