Dear Monica,
Tango-wear website mentioned you make high quality shoes. I believe the high quality relies on the first time you see the shoes as well as you wear them. I have to say at the first time I saw my shoes I was really astounded and not acceptable to the shoes. The shoes are stuffed in without any protection or package!
You kept saying that the FedEx package has been opened and checked by custom. But I did have checked with FedEx. FedEx has confrimed that this package has NEVER drawn out by custom at any stops.
You also mentioned the insole can be very easily pasted back without any further instruction. I just don't see the point why people spend money for Tango-wear to produce half-done shoes and DIY afterward.
I also have hard time to believe how I can feel very nice while wearing a pair of shoes with poor customer service. And with this kind of service, I wonder what extra information I can ask from Tango-wear.
Thank you for nothing.
話說農曆新年期間 上網定了一雙阿根廷探戈鞋
望穿秋水加上中間對方來信說鞋子少半吋 我堅持要他把少掉的半吋長回去
終於 鞋子在4/9 FedEx到家
那天忘記為了什麼事情 心情正在不爽
打開包裝爛爛的FedEx 看到鞋子覺得很糟
1. 鞋子底部的皮沒有黏好 根本是開的
2. 鞋子底部印刷的logo已經模胡不清
3. 鞋底跟鞋跟有刮痕
對方的回信讓我忍不住笑場 他說
1. 皮沒黏好你自己找個黏膠黏就可以了
2. 我們印刷logo的機器沒辦法印清楚
3. 我們出產的鞋子85%都有刮痕
卻發現Yahoo mail已經更新 所有舊信都已經不可考了

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